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Photo made and donated by Samuel Nothstine
Photo made and donated by Samuel Nothstine


2022-2024 Outreach Events & Presentations

  • 8 Keys for Adults with FASD Film Premiere at Bear Tooth Theater (9/2023)
  • In-Person Film Showings 8 Keys for Adults with FASD with Q&A: Improving Lives Conference, Full Lives Conference (Anchorage), International FASD Conference (Seattle), Valley Cinemas (Mat-Su), UAF Wood Center (Fairbanks), Gold Town Theater (Juneau), and Peninsula Grace Church (Kenai/Soldotna) (2023-2024).
  • Presentations and Trainings on 9 Core Messages: What Everyone Should know about Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and 8 Keys for Adults with FASD at: RurAL-CAP Elder Mentors Conference (5/2024); Infant Child & Youth Conference (4/2024); Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Social Workers (3/2024); Alaska Public Health Association Health Summit (1/2024); Alaska Child Welfare Conference (11/2023); Family Focused Treatment Association Conference (7/2022).


2020 Outreach Events & Presentations

1/23  Two board members presented A Roundtable Discussion about Adults Living with FASD with help from self-advocate Kristina at the Alaska Public Health Summit, Anchorage.

  • 12 attendees.

2/19-20  One board member attended conference and two (including self-advocate member) & volunteer social work student staffed a booth at the Reducing Recidivism & Re-entry Conference in Anchorage at Captain Cook Hotel.

  • About 200 people attended & several great connections/conversations were completed for future presentations & advocacy support efforts
  • Re-entry Simulation Exercise was amazing experience re: the difficulty of re-entry demands even for those who do NOT have brain-based differences
  • A couple of Moment to Moment movies were donated to organizations for training with their staff (Center for Psychosocial Development, can’t recall other-maybe parole officer group)   

3/13 One board member provided an in-person presentation FASD for Family Practice Providers clinical presentation to the Alaska chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians Conference at the Hotel Alyeska in Girdwood

  • 1.0 hours About 50 attendees, well received, audience largely NOT doing routine alcohol screening for prevention in their practices
  • NOTE- National org AAFP President Dr. Gary LeRoy was in audience

3/27 One board member virtual presentation Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders for Behavioral Health Providers to the Providence Psychology Doctoral residents

  • 1.5 hours 12 attendees (6 at Norton Sound Health Corp, 2 at Aleutian Pribilof Island Assoc BH clinic in Anch, 4 at Prov Fam Med BH clinic in Anch)

4/20-21  At request of Psychology residents, additonal FASD-related virtual trainings provided over two mornings:

  • 3 hours virtually showed Moment to Moment: Teens Growing Up w FASD, followed by panel including our board member self-advocate and 2 teen self-advocates from our Teen Group (2 hours of conversation with the self-advocates was amazing experience for the residents per their feedback)
  • 1.5 hours Alcohol Screening & Brief Intervention for Psychology Residents…tailored aSBI to an audience that may not use it directly but benefitted from understanding it to improve their alcohol-related conversations with clients

5/15 Three board members (including self-advocate) provided virtual presentation FASD Considerations for the Public Defender Agency to the Anchorage & Fairbanks Public Defender Agency offices

  • ~25 attendees

6/2 One board member provided virtual clinical presentation for Grand Rounds at Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Bethel FASD for Alaska Family Practice Providers

  • Unknown # of attendees

9/9 Two board members hosted virtual movie events of Moment to Moment: Teens Growing Up w FASD (with an adult and youth self-advocate)

  • 12N-1:30pm 12 attendees  (F/up request from Seldovia for movie/resources)
  • 7-8:30-pm  5 attendees

9/15  Two board members (including board self-advocate) hosted virtual  Moment to Moment: Teens Growing Up w FASD movie & panel to follow for Anchorage OCS staff

  • 53 attendees

9/16 One board member provided training/consultation re: FASD to All Alaska Pediatric Partnership (A2P2) Help Me Grow new program staff

  • 3 attendees

9/23 One board member presented virtually to Rotary group in Nome (collaboration with Rhonda Schneider E.D. of Nome Community Center)

  • ~12 attendees

9/29 Three board members hosted virtual presentation The Multigenerational Context of FASD and Trauma for Anchorage OCS staff (with self advocate board member & mom in recovery/parent of youth with FASD)

  • 67 attendees

Excerpt from OCS Manager email after training- Thank you! It was a great training. I know staff got a lot out of it. We had multiple partners on too from ACRF and various Tribes with staff here in Anchorage and they were glad to be invited as well.. would you be open to doing an annual training in September given its FASD awareness month?  Answer is of course!!

10/16 One board member co-presented with NOFAS Vice President/National Spokesperson, Kathy Mitchell, virtual plenary presentation at Nurse Practitioners in Womens’ Health (NPWH) virtual conference Creating a Circle of Hope- Have we made progress in supporting women to prevent substance exposures during pregnancy?

  • 395 attendees

11/13  Two board members (including self-advocate) provided virtual presentation to the Center for Human Development LEND (Leadership in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) program participants The Complexities of FASD

  • 24 attendees


2019 Outreach Events & Presentations

3/18  Two BOD members did training for TOTEM Conference (for ASD SPED TAs)

  • Topic: Powerpoint presentation, Moment to Moment movie & self-advocate panel followed
  • ~80 attendees (40 in AM, same in PM)

4/1 - 4/16  Two BOD members were part of Rotary International Vocational Training Team (VTT) from Alaska that traveled to Perth, Kalgoorlie, & Leonora Western Australia providing multiple trainings at each location to educators, police, Rotary Clubs, community groups, etc.

  • ~600 people trained including entire school staff in Leonora, 100 police in Perth

5/4 Booth at Walk & Roll for Hope Parkstrip event

  • ~20 attendees stopped by booth

5/5 Two BOD members presented at Rotary International District 5010 conference in Anchorage

  • Alaska VTT members presented re: travels & work in Western Australia in April
  • ~100 attendees

5/8 Two BOD members presented at 44th Annual School on Addictions and Behavioral Health conference

  • Topic: “Noncompliant or FASD?”
  • ~50 attendees

5/13 Two BOD members did Young Lives staff training

  • General information about FASD in teens/adults & as child develops
  • ~12 attendees

6/7 One BOD member did co-presentation for local Rotary International group w Tami Eller (follow up of Australia)

  • FASD general info
  • ~30 attendees

8/14 - 8/16 One BOD member attended CDC FASD prevention (Collaborative for an Alcohol Free Pregnancy) grantee meeting in Atlanta

  • Networking & update skills re: messaging, etc.
  • ~40 attendees

9/5 Several BOD members involved with Moment to Moment movie event-Anchorage Museum

  • Movie + panel after
  • ~ 15 attendees

9/7 Health U event at the Dome

  • Booth in parking lot behind Dome
  • Poor attendance at booth due to rain, most folks stayed inside Dome

9/9 One BOD member attended & Center co-sponsored Moment to Moment movie event in Juneau

  • One BOD attended from Center, panel
  • ~15 attendees

9/10 One BOD member provided Tuesday Talks at Alaska Nurses Association office presentation

  • ~15 attendees in person & online

9/23 - 9/26 One BOD representative attended NOFAS Summit 2019 in Wash DC

  • 17 attendees from various affiliates around US
  • Gala event; our BOD member rep gave Senator Lisa Murkowski her award for her co-sponsorship of new legislation Advancing FASD Research, Prevention, and Services Act, S. 2879

10/11 One BOD member presented at Alaska Nurses Association Trending Topics in Nursing conference at BP Center, Anchorage

  • ~ 60 attendees

10/17 - 10/19 Three BOD members & student volunteer staffed Booth at AFN meeting in Fairbanks

  • ~100 folks stopped by to talk to us, MANY good contacts & variations on understanding of FASD (3 BOD members & MSW student staffed booth)

10/19 Moment to Moment movie & circle conversation Raven’s Landing Fairbanks

  • ~6 attendees + panel folks = 10