Resources for Families with Children

School Supports for transitioning out of school settings:

  • IDEA (Individuals with Disability Education Act) part B and WIOA (Workforce Investment Opportunity Act) is available for students transitioning out of middle school and high school, including students who qualify for special education services.
  • IDEA Part C, provides services for children ages under 3 years old by DHSS (Department of Health and Social Services)
  • IDEA part B provides services for children ages 3-21 years by DEED
  • DVR (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) services can help going into a post-secondary setting (college, trade school, ect)
    • Programs such as Seeds of Change through the Anchorage Behavioral Health Center or other pre employment training (Pre-ETS) sites can be arranged through DVR.

Early Childhood Resources

  • Getting an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) with the school will allow for them to receive special services (occupational therapy, speech therapy, and physical therapy services).
  • Programs for Infants and Children (PIC) Services: Promote the growth and development of young children. Provide in home assessments to determine disabilities and get connected with occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy
    • Programs for Infants and Children, Inc.
      161 Klevin Street
      Suite 103
      Anchorage, AK 99508
      Phone: (907) 561-8060
      Fax: (907) 563-3172
  • Stone Soup Group: Support through getting a diagnosis, will help set up and arrange diagnosis through diagnosis teams. (Anchorage, Wasilla, or Eagle River will refer to Ptarmigan Connections) Connect with a parent navigator who will help the parent understand and find other resources.
    • Stone Soup Group:
      (907) 561-3701
      Address: 307 E Northern Lights Blvd #100